Dirección: Managua, Managua, Managua, Nicaragua
Sitio web: http://www.rickywilson.ws
Celular: (305) 88956201
I'm a Freelance Graphic Designer, Web Developer and Motion Graphic Designer-Animator. I've created and managed the design from the concept to the final product. Also create brand identities, websites and Multimedia. I have the skills, creativity and experience. I'll deliver exciting graphics, layout and design concepts that won't exceed your budget... just your expectations!
Entrevista: todo sobre RW Design Studio
Richard WILSON habla de Los secretos de su profesión
Condominio Los Angeles colegio Centroamérica 4Km al S Lote 3
Bo Riguero. De los Talleres Modernos 1c Arriba, 1 1/2c al Lago
Km. 9.5 Carretera a Masaya